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Partnership Program

Welcome to our Partnership Program page, where collaboration and collective impact take center stage. Our program is dedicated to forging alliances that propel research, advocacy, and community empowerment.

By sharing knowledge and resources, we aim to elevate our partners' missions. Our capacity-building efforts provide the training and mentorship essential for growth. Through networking, we weave a fabric of allies, and together, we advocate for policies that echo our shared values.


 Join us, as we co-create influential media and content to enlighten and inspire action. Let's unite for a greater cause.

Illustration, hand shake by two thands in front of colourful icons suggesting helathy friendship

Our Partners

We will be delighted to work with a diverse group of partners in the future including non-profit organizations, social enterprises, and academic institutions to create a collective impact towards achieving our common mission and goal.

Our partners share our values and are committed to creating positive social change.

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future partner logo
future partner logo
future partner logo
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