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Writings, Notes

This page is a curated showcase of our most impactful written pieces, handpicked to engage and enlighten our readers. This space serves as a spotlight for the exemplary works that resonate with our values and vision, transcending the regular flow of our Blog section.

Each selection is a testament to the diverse voices and profound insights within our community. From thought-provoking essays to inspiring narratives, the content here is chosen not only for its quality but also for its ability to stir conversations and challenge perspectives.

While our Blog section is a dynamic and ever-expanding library of ideas and stories, the "Writings, Notes" page is an intimate gathering of highlights—texts that have made a significant impression on us and our audience. It's where we celebrate the pieces that have sparked robust discussions, garnered substantial attention, or captured the essence of what we stand for.


Visit this dedicated page to explore content that stands out not just for its literary merit but for its contribution to the ongoing dialogue that shapes our collective experience.

Whether you're seeking inspiration, knowledge, or just a moment of connection, our "Writings, Notes" is where you'll find writings that matter.

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Explore 'Burning Skip – The Damage Report 2024', a critical and hopeful analysis of today's most pressing global challenges, including climate change, societal upheaval, economic disparities, and cybersecurity.


Discover actionable solutions for a sustainable and equitable future, as this comprehensive report highlights the urgency of climate resilience, sustainable land use, pollution control, peacebuilding, and infrastructure modernization. Join us in charting a course towards a more equitable, resilient, and thriving global community. Learn more about our collective path forward.

Delve deeper into the complexities of geopolitical dynamics, the impact of declining trust in institutions, and the growing divide between the wealthy and the impoverished.

The report calls for a renewed commitment to transparency, accountability, and social justice to foster societal cohesion and restore faith in governance. It also emphasizes the critical role of diplomacy and peaceful resolutions in addressing global conflicts, urging a collective effort to bridge divides and heal our world for future generations.


Delve into the complex domains of global power dynamics with a series of carefully examined historical analyses reflecting on the Israel-Palestine situation.

If you don't know everything about the matter and are interested, but don't have time to read 15 books, listen to this informative analysis that helps in understanding with an objective approach.This piece unravels the ever-echoing Israel-Palestine conflict, while also touching on the broader strokes of violence, media manipulation, systemic oppression, and the psychological foundations of aggression.

It closely intertwines personal prejudices, political agendas, and historical legacies, tracing them back to real-world confrontations and political turns.

As the narrative spirals from the Middle East to America's racist past, it unveils the threads of systemic problems contributing to the ongoing cycle of power and violence.Through a reflective lens, the text calls for a deeper understanding and collective effort towards transforming narratives and towards a peaceful path paved by truth and understanding.

The complexity of the Israel-Palestine situation is such that one can only have an objective picture if they listen through the whole material, as some parts talk about the truth of one side, others about the other, while shedding light on information not known in public discourse or generally misunderstood.

Those who choose to click through listening will surely only waste their time, as they will not understand the logically complex and measured text or will only be able to take away half-information from the discussed thought process.


Merülj el a globális hatalmi dinamikák bonyolult területein egy sor gondosan vizsgált történelmi jellegű elemzés segítségével az Izrael-Palesztina helyzetre reflektálva.

Ha nem tudsz mindent a dologról és érdekel, de nincs időd 15 könyvet elolvasni, nézd meg ezt az informatív elemzést amely segít az objektív közelítésű megértésben.

Ez az írás felgöngyölíti az örökké visszhangzó Izrael-Palesztina konfliktust, miközben kitér az erőszak, a média manipuláció, a rendszerszintű elnyomás és az agresszió pszichológiai alapjainak szélesebb vonásaira.

Szorosan összekapcsolja a személyes előítéleteket, politikai napirendeket és történelmi örökségeket, visszavezetve őket a valóságban megnyilvánuló konfrontációkhoz és politikai fordulatokhoz.

Ahogy a narratíva a Közel-Keletről Amerika rasszista múltjáig spirálozik, feltárja a rendszerszintű problémák szálait, amelyek hozzájárulnak az erő és az erőszak folyamatos körforgásához.

Egy reflektív lencsén keresztül a szöveg mélyebb megértést és közös erőfeszítést hív életre a narratívák átformálása és egy igazság és megértés által kikövezett békés út felé.

Az Izrael-palesztina helyzet komplexitása akkora, hogy csak akkor lehet objektív képe valakinek ha az egész anyagot végig is hallgatja, mert egyes részei az egyik fél igazáról szólnak, mások meg a másikéról miközben a közbeszédben nem ismert, vagy általánosan félreértelmezett információkra világít rá.

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DALL·E 2023-11-08 11.07.11 - Design a minimalistic 'Coming Soon' cover art for an upcoming

Honestly, coming soon.

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